Nothing But Feels: Emotional Oranges’ New Album Juice Vol. 2
After waiting for months for this, the album The Juice: Vol. II finally came out. Already two weeks since the release and I still can’t stop listening to it. The project deserves the attention it is receiving and more. The two artists that make up this mysterious act have such an unreal chemistry, and that can be seen just from their flow in their VEVO Discover sessions. They dance, sing, and hypnotize you with their seductive, erotic tracks. Their polished, metallic music moves you and just as their moniker states, they get you in your feels and have you feeling very emotional.
After waiting for months for this, the album The Juice: Vol. II finally came out last week. The two have such an unreal chemistry, and that can be seen just from their flow in their VEVO Discover sessions. They dance, sing, and hypnotize you with their seductive, erotic tracks and inconspicuous looks behind dark shaded frames. Their polished, metallic music moves you and just as their moniker states, they get you in your feels and have you feeling very emotional.
I’d be lying to you guys if I told you that I didn’t listen to their music at least once a day. Their music plays such an integral part of my daily routine, and I can’t explain it; their music has this addicting nature to me.
Staying true to their sound but still being able to evolve is always an artist’s hardest mission, but somehow Emotional Oranges is able to rise to the challenge. The Island Records signees take us on an episodic adventure of emotions starting off with “Don’t Be Lazy” getting us in the mood and swaying along to the track. We then enter into their time capsule and vibe to the 80s’ groove “Just Like You.” The mixed cocktail that male and female vocals create in their music is stunning and somehow seems to leave only the best taste in your mouth even after the songs are over and you’ve stopped singing them in your head.
“Your Best Friend is a Hater” is the comic relief in the entirety of the infectious project, but it’s definitely dark humor. The band had explained the meaning as how a couple faces the issue of losing a significant other’s love to a best friend. Nonetheless, when they sing “know she gets pleasure tryna’ break us, I can't change your mind if it's made up too…” the song suddenly transforms from fun to melancholy.
“Sundays” is the perfect single for a Sunday under covers with your lover, and it radiates the same kind of mellow feeling one has on a lazy stay-cation at home.
However, when it finally comes to “West Coast Love” and “Not Worth It,” these two tracks in my opinion steal the project. With the rhythms, productions, and vocals, these records remind me of the creations of their other 2 golden songs “Personal” and “Motion.” “West Coast Love” has the same warped voices, the same slow-tempo melody, and that laced in smoke and love that is almost reminiscent of legends like Fugees and A Tribe Called Quest and new phenomenons like The Internet. It’s an alluring song where you can’t help but roll down your window, lean your head back, and soak in sun rays and air (even if it’s cold out).
When it comes down to my favorite song though on the project, “Not Worth It” takes the gold. It’s the kind of song that was able to put me in a somber state-of-mind where I’m both broken-hearted and falling in love. It’s a song that shows how love can be blind and broken. It’s the lesson in love and hate, the falling apart and losing your mind, and falling back into the whirlwind of relationships. They sing, “money comes and goes, it will never be enough, it’s not worth it babe”—a reminder that in capitalism, none of it’s worth it if you lose precious time with the one who matters most.
“Iconic” is their track that is stylized similarly to Post Malone crossed with Bazzi, while “Heal My Desires” is more reflective of an upbeat, pop song and is the final track to conclude the masterpiece that is The Juice: Vol. II.
Emotional Oranges tastefully toy with the characteristic of R&B vocals, sensual tones, and faded auto-tune to keep you dizzy their fans and show them the world through their orange-colored glasses.
Their marketing is remarkable. They’re a mystery to all, never posting images of themselves and only of others. In addition, they have comical, sexy album covers, and amazing merchandise designs.
Their live production is filled with energy and their loyal followers chant and sing along to their tracks with all the adoration in the world—it’s truly a sight to see.
Be sure to follow this incredible, magical, enchanting duo on social media. Much love.
I hope to one day jump into an interview with them to hear more about them, their creative process, and their detours. Crossing fingers!